Garbage and Recycling
Garbage and Recycling Schedule
Recycling: Tuesday
Garbage: Thursday
Garbage: Tuesday
Recycling: Thursday
Garbage & Recycling: Tuesday
MacGregor, Austin & Sidney:
Glass collection in blue bins - First Wednesday of every month. *GLASS ONLY IN THE BLUE BINS*
All lids must be removed before placed in bin.
Please ensure garbage and recycling is tied in the proper bags and containers. Recycling is to be put in clear blue/clear bags please. Garbage and recycling must be placed out at the curb by 8:00 a.m. to ensure pick up.

Fridges & Freezers - can be recycled if certified or if the compressor has been removed.
Certified equipment can be identified by a label that states: "This equipment has been certified by AHRI/UL to meet EPA's minimum requirements for recycling and/or recovery equipment intended for use with [appropriate category of appliance]." Click here for more information.
For a full list of Household Hazardous Waste products accepted and not accepted please see this link:
Garbage Pick Up
Municipal Calendar
Recycling Pick Up